- NSF and DOE establish
Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes Program (PASI)
modeled after the modeled on the NATO Advanced Studies
Institutes. Click HERE
for more information.
- The
third in the biennial series of Mercosur Congresses
on process systems engineering, ENPROMER
2001, took place on September 16-20, 2001 in Santa
Fe, Argentina. The purpose of the meeting was to bring
together the community of researchers and practitioners
who are involved in the creation and application of
computing based methodologies for planning, design,
operation, optimization and control of chemical processes.
The scope of ENPROMER 2001 was been expanded to also
include other important areas on chemical engineering
like transport phenomena, reactor engineering, food
science and engineering, biotechnology, thermodynamics,
materials science, quality management and so on. Special
issues incorporating these papers are being prepared
for the journals Latin America Applied Research amd
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering.
- The 2nd
Pan American Workshop on Process Systems Engineering
took place on September 19-21 in Guaruja, Sao Paulo,
Brazil. The workshop focussed in the areas of process
control, and planning and scheduling. A special issue
in the journal Computers and Chemical Engineering
incorporating papers of this workshop is being prepared
by Oscar Crisalle and Jose Pinto.
- Two
workshops were held in Santa Fe, Argentina, in
September 2-3, 1999, in the areas of catalysis and
process systems engineering. The organizers are Carlos
Apesteguia and Raul Miranda for catalysis, and Jaime
Cerda and Ignacio Grossmann for process systems.
- There was US participation at the ENPROMER'99
II MERCOSUL Process Engineering Congress in Florianopolis,
Brazil, on Aug 31-Sept 1, 1999.
- Current negotiations may lead to the
support by NSF and the Council for the International Exchange
of Scholars (US Fulbright) of a significantly enhanced bilateral
exchange of students and faculty in chemical engineering
between the US and Argentina, Brazil, and Chile (contact
Dr. Wellek and/or Dr.
Raul Miranda at NSF).