Christos T. Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Mahmoud El-Halwagi, Texas A&M University
Soledad Diaz, PLAPIQUI, Bahía Blanca
Argimiro Secchi, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Course organization and participants
The PASI 2011 workshop is aimed at advanced graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and young researchers in the area of Process Systems Engineering under the Pan American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) Program from the Americas. Funding for this PASI was provided by the National Science Foundation. PASI 2011 will be held in Angra dos Reis, Brazil, from July 19 to 29, 2011. The specific site for the workshop will be the Hotel do Bosque, which has excellent facilities that can accommodate the participants of this workshop. For more details see: www.hoteldobosque.com.br
The PASI2011 workshop will focus on state-of-the-art methods for process modeling and optimization and their application in two specific areas, energy and sustainability. The workshop will include lectures (4- to 6-hour modules covering a broad area), seminars (1-hour research and overview presentations), and computer tutorials (2-hour). PASI 2011 will provide an overview of process modeling and optimization approaches to challenging problems in the aforementioned areas, and thereby promote discussion and foster research collaborations among researchers from different countries in the Americas. The list of speakers includes some of the world’s leading researchers, as well as speakers from the industry and federal research agencies.
